DNA graphic

Robert Hal Scofield, MD

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
College of Medicine

Sex disparity in Lupus is Driven by Putative X-Linked Genes

Why women are significantly (90%) more likely than men to be diagnosed with lupus is not well understood. Until recently, scientists believed the disparity was due to the influence of sex hormones. However, researchers are now considering the possibility that women, with two X chromosomes, receive a double dose of X-linked genes that somehow predispose them to the disease. (Since men have XY chromosomes, they would only have one dose of X-linked genes.) Dr. Scofield’s study will research whether the double dose of genes located on the X chromosome does indeed explain the sex-bias found in lupus.


What this study means for people with lupus

Dr. Scofield’s research will examine if having two X chromosomes, rather than the X and Y in men, brings along a double dose of genes that may predispose women to lupus. This insight will get us one step closer to understanding what causes this complex disease.

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